Live Blood Microscopy (LBM) is a health screening tool that reveals areas of health that need to be addressed.
LBM uses the principles of dark or light field microscopy and phase contrast, which illuminates the edges of blood cells and other features seen in the blood sample, giving them a clean crisp outline with a dark background.
Individuality: free flowing and separate without stickiness (rouleaux). Rouleaux = dehydration, poor circulation and inflammation.
Form: cells should be circular. Damaged cells = free radical damage and protein, iron, vitamin E and essential fatty acids deficiencies.
Size: cell size is important; small RBC = iron deficiency, large RBC = vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies.
There are several types of WBC all with different functions. A healthy person usually has
1 (WBC):200(RBC).
The main focus is on the number seen and the mobility.
Plasma is a semi-fluid liquid in which the blood cells move. The fluid is generally clear and free of debris; however, liver stress, increased acidity, bowel disturbances, inflammation, poor fat metabolism, fungi and parasites can be evident.
Early stages of illness
Early signs of nutritional deficiencies & dehydration
Free radically damaged cells
Bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungal infections
Increased acidity
Immune function
If you would like to see this unique perspective of your health simply contact me Leonie Shrimpton Naturopath on 0410 553 739 or